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IB – International Baccalaureate

Coree, the IB Continuum school!


The IB - International Baccalaureate is a global leader in international education - developing curious, knowledgeable, confident and caring young people who are motivated to succeed. Our programs empower students to take ownership of their own learning and help them develop future-ready skills to make a difference and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

In our journey as an IB World School, Coree International School is the only school in Santa Catarina certified IB Continuum , being part of a select group of 8 schools in Brazil that offer the Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP ) and the Diploma Program (DP).

In Early Childhood Education and Elementary School I (Early Years to Grade 5), our children participate in the Primary Years Program (PYP) , which lays the foundations for reflective and collaborative learning, supported by transdisciplinary research. In Elementary School II (Grade 6 to Grade 9), the Middle Years Program (MYP) deepens students' interdisciplinary understanding. Finally, in Secondary Education (Grade 9 to Grade 12) students have the opportunity to excel in the Diploma Program (DP), preparing them for success in global academic and professional environments.


IB Pedagogical Process

Research is the central pedagogical approach of IB programs. This approach encourages exploration, questioning and practical application of knowledge, nurturing curiosity and promoting meaningful and contextualized learning.

We place students at the center of this investigative journey. They become agents of their learning, guided by their own initiative, interests and a strong sense of identity. In a collaborative environment, with teachers and colleagues, they build deeper understandings together.

By investigating their curiosities, students at Coree International School are encouraged to question, reflect and act, applying their knowledge in innovative ways. Our goal is to empower students to be active, conscious members of their communities and the world.

The International Mentality

International Baccalaureate (IB) programs aim to develop internationally minded people. This vision focuses on training responsible and empowered individuals to contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable world.

A fundamental pillar of this approach is respect and appreciation of diversity, considering it an essential opportunity for growth and learning. We encourage students to reflect on different perspectives, cultures and identities, expanding their understanding of the world.

Furthermore, multilingualism is crucial in training internationally minded students. The ability to communicate in several languages makes it easier to understand and connect with different cultures and realities. This prepares students to engage responsibly and actively in local and global issues, strengthening their skills to act in an international context.

The IB student profile

The International Baccalaureate® (IB) student profile proposes a wide range of human capabilities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success.


It implies a commitment to helping all members of the school community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them.


Each of the IB programs - PYP, MYP and DP - are committed to developing students according to the IB profile.


The profile aims to develop apprentices who are:


Primary Years Program (PYP)

For students from Early Years to Grade 5
(Kindergarten to Elementary School I)

PYP, the IB program for students from Early Years to Grade 5, is a transdisciplinary, concept-driven educational journey. It overcomes traditional barriers between disciplines, fostering a holistic and meaningful understanding of the world. Through critical thinking, students apply and share their knowledge and understandings, actively interacting with peers, teachers and the community.

The program is structured around Units of Research that cover essential transdisciplinary themes, providing students with the opportunity to develop attributes, skills, knowledge and conceptual understandings. These themes include:

Who we are

We explore the essence of the human being, including beliefs, values, health in its multiple dimensions, and the complexity of human relationships. We address rights and responsibilities, reflecting on what constitutes our humanity.

Where are we in
Space and Time

We investigate our location in space and time, covering personal stories, homes, travels, discoveries and migrations. We examine the interconnections and reciprocal influences between individuals and civilizations, in both local and global contexts.

How We Express Ourselves

We study how we express our ideas, feelings, beliefs and values. We reflect on nature and culture, exploring and extending our creativity and aesthetic appreciation.

How the World Works

We explore the natural world and its laws, the interaction between physical and biological environments and human societies. We analyze how we use scientific principles and the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and the environment.

How We Organize

We examine the interconnectedness of human-created systems and communities, the structure and function of organizations, social decision-making, and the impact of economic activities on humanity and the environment.

Sharing the Planet

We reflect on rights and responsibilities in the use of finite resources, relationships within and between communities, the search for equal opportunities, peace and conflict resolution.


Middle Years Program (MYP)

For Elementary School II students
(Grade 6 to Grade 9)

MYP focuses on developing reflective and active students, encouraging them to make practical connections between their studies and the real world. This program prepares students for future success, both in further studies and in everyday life, by promoting an international mindset and empathy.

The program encourages the investigation of relevant issues and ideas at local, national and global levels, training young creative, critical and reflective thinkers. With an interdisciplinary, conceptual, and inquiry-based approach, MYP strengthens understanding of how students learn.

MYP students develop knowledge and conceptual understandings across diverse disciplines, integrating them into global contexts, such as identities and relationships, personal and cultural expression, orientations in space and time, scientific and technical innovation, equity and development, globalization and sustainability.

The MYP covers eight areas of knowledge, including language acquisition, literature, humanities, science, mathematics, arts, physical education and health, and design, promoting interdisciplinary understanding.

The MYP curriculum structure incorporates:

> Approaches to Learning (ATL): Develops research skills, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration and self-management.

> Key and related concepts: Encourages exploration of relevant big ideas.

> Global contexts: Highlights the importance of study for understanding common humanity and shared responsibility for the planet.

The program culminates in a significant project, the Personal Project , where students work independently under the supervision of a teacher or community member, consolidating learning and reflecting on the results.


Diploma Program (DP)

For High School Students
(Grade 10 to Grade 12)

The IB Diploma Program is a challenging and balanced curriculum that promotes students' intellectual, personal and emotional development. With a combination of depth and breadth of knowledge, the program emphasizes physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical development, and includes the study of at least two languages.

Students are assessed in six subjects, choosing three to study at a secondary level (Standard Level) and three at an advanced level (Higher Level), with varied options in each of the six areas of knowledge:

  1. “Studies in Language and Literature”

  2. Language Acquisition

  3. Individuals and Societies

  4. Sciences

  5. Mathematics

  6. Arts

In addition to the subjects, the DP Core is mandatory and includes "Theory of Knowledge", "Creativity, Activity, and Service" and "Extended Essay" (Monograph). The DP Core encourages critical thinking about the nature of knowledge, conducting individual research, and leading community service projects.

The DP prepares students for academic excellence by offering a comprehensive education that explores the nature of knowledge and encourages an individualized approach to learning. Subject choices allow each student to develop a diverse and personalized curriculum, meeting their preferences and academic goals.

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