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Elementary School

Grade 1 to Grade 5 - Elementary I

Our proposal for Primary Education, from Years 1 to 5, envisages an inquiry-based teaching approach, focused on conceptual understanding and collaborative work, developed in local and global contexts, designed to remove barriers to learning and informed by assessment as a continuous process that involves monitoring, verification, documentation and communication actions.

Our program of inquiry is underpinned by six transdisciplinary themes around which learning is designed. The IB Program - Primary Years Program chose these themes for their relevance to the real world and they are described as transdisciplinary because they focus on issues that go beyond the areas of study. They are: Who we are; Where we are in place and time; How we express ourselves; How the world works; How we organize ourselves and Sharing the planet.

Experiences and learning are expanded and deepened year by year throughout Elementary School.

“PYP learners are problem solvers who take ownership of their own learning”

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