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Early Years

Nursery to Kinder 5

During these fundamental and very special years, children aged 0 to 5 are immersed in acquiring the English language in a full immersion program in which all experiences take place in an integrated way with language improvement. Intentionally planned games, interactions, explorations and discoveries promote the integral development of children, while respecting their right to be children and to discover the world in their own ways.

Physical Education - curricular activity present from Nursery onwards, proposes, through playing with body language (body and movement), that children expand and organize their motor repertoire, seeking harmony between their needs and those of their group.


Musicalization - curricular activity present from Nursery onwards, proposes activities with the aim of sensitizing children to sound, music and others, providing experiences and experiments that lead to the development of auditory perception, the ability to concentrate and musical practice.


Capoeira - curricular activity present from Kinder 1 onwards, is an experience in which children have access to the main elements that make up the modality through contact with instruments such as: berimbaus, atabaque, pandeiro, agogô and reco reco. Chants and rhythms are also introduced to specific Capoeira movements such as acrobatics, strikes and dodges that contribute to children's motor development.


Robotics - curricular activity present from Kinder 3 onwards, proposes experiences during which curiosity, the desire to discover and the desire to create are explored through the construction of models (prototypes).


Literacy Practices - curricular activity present from Kinder 5 onwards, provides experiences of using written language that puts the child actively in the construction of a representation of the language through meaningful and valuable writing.

Judo - Judo is considered by UNESCO to be one of the best sports for children, due to its work with the values of respect and discipline.

Judo experiences at Coree are part of the Early Childhood Education curriculum from Kinder 3 onwards. They are planned considering the age group and individual characteristics, respecting childhood and promoting learning through play and interaction. Judo collaborates strongly in the disciplinary and sporting aspects, contributing to the integral education of children.

Movement & Expression - Movement and Expression meetings contribute to the harmonious development of the child, as they stimulate imagination, attention, coordination of movements and aesthetic education, at the same time as they allow them to get to know their body better, using it as a means of communication and expression. They are part of the curriculum for full-time classes from Kinder 3 onwards.

Children's Swimming - Children's swimming experiences are part of the Early Years curriculum from Kinder 4 onwards. Their main objectives are the development of aquatic motor skills and the promotion of water safety.

In Early Years classes, playfulness is the main learning tool to make experiences engaging and meaningful. Each game has the objective of developing the aquatic motor skills necessary to learn the four strokes (crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly), through global movements, still without technical refinement.

The focus on safety is extremely important since, for many children, this is their first water activity in a collective environment.

We understand and defend that swimming is much more than a sport, it is a training and education tool that contributes to the development of autonomy, creativity, resilience, focus and organization.

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